Clara and her Potty - Angela Zigann

Clara and her Potty

toilet training book for toddlers

Learning how to use the potty and getting rid of diapers once and for all is a major step for a child.

As they don't even know what's waiting for them on the other side, children need role models to help them grasp the idea and build the excitement and confidence to conquer the new world and skills.


what readers think

This cute book will help our little ones learn all about using the potty own their own.

Moms and Dads can read this book to their toddler. Tasks such as learning to use the potty can be so difficult but with short tale kids will learn by the example shown.

Good job.

Amazon review from USA

"Clara and Her Potty" is a valuable tool to aid parents in potty training their little ones.

The simple yet engaging story of Clara and her friend Daisy serves as a real booster to motivate kids during this important stage of development.

 The concept presented in the book extends beyond potty training; it can be applied to help children grow and excel in various aspects through motivation.

This book is a must-have for all parents dealing with the challenges of raising growing kids. Its effectiveness in encouraging and inspiring young children makes it an essential addition to every parent's toolkit.

Amazon Review from India

Clara and her potty is a beautifully illustrated book about toilet training. Reminded me of when we potty trained our daughter and bought her a musical potty. She would dance around it for days until she finally got the hang of it.

A book like this would have sped up the process I'm sure.

Amazon Review from Australia

what's it all about

Clara and her Potty

Learning how to use the potty and getting rid of diapers once and for all is a major step for a child.

As they don't even know what's waiting for them on the other side, children need role models to help them grasp the idea and build the excitement and confidence to conquer the new world and skills.

Clara, the hero of our story, will support your child on the way and be the role model it needs. She will show your child that it is okay to be a little scared. Practice and the support of their parents/guardians will carry them through.
Clara is happy and proud of being a big girl in the end, just like your child will be too.

★ This kids book complements the parenting guide "The Toilet Training Book". Loving and child-oriented it will lead you from preparation, through training, to implementation.

Clara and her Potty - Angela Zigann

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You want more?

Download the resources!

Matching 'Clara and her Potty' and its partner book 'The Toilet Training Book', I have put together some resources for you and your child.

They contain different training charts and stickers, as well as your checklist with all the steps from reading the book until the actual training. For your child I added several colouring pages from Clara, to keep your little one entertained while practicing how to use the potty.

You can sign up for my mummy newsletter below.
The resources will be in your inbox with the first eMail.

Cover resources download - toilet training - Angela Zigann